Harry Brook was supposed to play for Delhi Capitals in the upcoming IPL 2024. He was bought by Delhi Royals for Rs 4 crore. Within a few days, two star English cricketers have withdrawn their names from the upcoming Indian Premier League (IPL). Kolkata Knight Riders opener Jason Roy had earlier withdrawn his name due to personal reasons. He was replaced by Phil Salt by KKR. Delhi Capitals’ Harry Brook has withdrawn.
He also decided to step down first, citing personal reasons. Later, however, he issued a statement detailing the reasons for his resignation. He is saddened by the death of his grandmother. The whole family is in mourning. And in such a situation, he has decided to stay with the family.
Why Harry Brook suddenly pulled out of IPL 2024?
Harry Brook said on Instagram: “I can confirm that I have made the difficult decision to withdraw from the upcoming IPL 2024. I was very excited about Delhi Capitals picking me. I was looking forward to meeting everyone on the team. I know I could not have shared the personal reasons behind my decision. But I also know that many will ask questions. Will try to lift. So I’m sharing the reasons with everyone. ’
Brooke added: “I lost my grandmother last month. My grandmother was my biggest strength. I spent most of my childhood at his house. My philosophy of life, love for cricket, everything I learnt from him and from my grandfather. Not a day goes by when I’m at home without seeing him. I’m very happy that he saw me play for England. I am proud that I was able to present some awards to him. I know he enjoyed it as much as I did. ”
Brooke added: “I decided not to come to India for the Test series the night before the team left for India. I did not come to India with the team from Abu Dhabi. I was first told my grandmother was very ill. He doesn’t have much time. My family and I are deeply saddened by his death. It’s very important for me to be with them in this situation. In the last few years, I have prioritized peace of mind for me and my family. Nothing is more important to me than my family. So I know this (withdrawal) seems strange to many, but for me, it is the right decision. I’m still new. I still have many years left to play cricket. I hope I can give my best in these years. I am eternally grateful to the ECB and Delhi Capitals for the help I have received. “